
Consultant focus: Venturo Bryan

Lead Consultant for EdTEch

Venturo is an Educational Consultant with a high level of expertise in instructional and educational technology  in Canada and the Caribbean. He holds a Master degree in Educational Technology from the University of British Columbia. He has over 20 years of educational technology experience at the secondary and tertiary levels, his passion for educational technology, instructional technology and teaching and learning has led to him working in a variety of roles including Senior Lecturer, Instructional Technologist, Technical Support Lead and e-learning consultant in a variety of cultural and professional settings.

Venturo has successfully designed and implemented several courses for secondary and tertiary learning institutions.  He has worked extensively with universities, colleges and school boards in selecting and implementing learning technologies  to improve student engagement and learning outcomes.

Core delivery areas

Secondary and Tertiary 

Areas of expertise

  • Instructional Technology 
  • Educational Technology 
  • Teacher Training 
  • Technical Support Specialist
  • Professional Development Facilitator